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Returning Passengers Flooded Syamsudin Noor Airport

04 Aug 2014

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Banjarbaru – Thousands of returning passanger arrived in Syamsudin Noor airport Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan on Monday or Day + 7 after Eid Mubarak 1435 Hijriah. Airport Service Section Head, Mr. Heru Widiatmo in Banjarbaru explained, the peak season of returning passenger has been estimated to happen until Sunday night. “The peak season of returning passengers has been estimated to keep happening in Sunday night, 3rd of August with 6.600 estimated passangers. However these numbers have not exactly been known due to the flight time is still happening in the middle of night”, he added.

He explained, the number of returning passangers in peak season will reach 6.600 people seen from the current number of passanger in the airport on Day + 6 or Saturday 2nd of August that reached 6.542 people. It has been explained that as estimated before, the peak season of returning passengers in the airport located in banjarbaru city happens on Satuday dan Sunday, exactly on the end of long holiday after Eid Mubarak on 28th of July 2014. Acoording to him, the number of passanger for returning passengers in 2014 on H + 6 is 6.542 people or increasing 1,6 % if compared to the same date in 2013 that was 6.436 people. “The increasing of returning passengers might be due to the end of long holiday time, beside also due to the business issue in South Kalimantan.” He explained.

It has been explained that beside the returning passanger, the number of passanger departed on H+6 also increased as much as 12,7 % from 5.308 people in 2013 became 5.986 people in 2014. “The increasing number of passanger does happen every year after long holiday session such as Eid Mubarak or the other big days. The departure of normal passanger number is 6.000 people and arrival is 4.000 people” he explained. (Gra / Source : Antaranews / Translator by Yeni Mujiatin)