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Syamsudin Noor Airport Performs Various Efforts to Follow Up Reports of Residents Affected by Land Acquisition

29 Aug 2017

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BANJARBARU - Syamsudin Noor Airport made a various efforts to follow up a report from a number of residents stating that the land is included in the area of ​​land acquisition for airport development when the compensation payment process has been completed. In connection with this, Syamsudin Noor Airport Management through the General Manager explains the follow-up that is currently still running.

Firstly, the General Manager of Syamsudin Noor Airport, Handy Heryudhitiawan explains
"PT Angkasa Pura I in this case is only authorized to make payment. The payment that has been completed using the inventory result of the Land Procurement Committee (P2T) of Banjarbaru City as intended by the Decision of the Mayor of Banjarbaru Number 286 Year 2011 regarding the Determination of Location and Land Map issued by the Land Office of Banjarbaru City Number 01 / SPP / 2012.

Against reports from four residents who were not included in the consignment list as well as additional consignment, General Manager Syamsudin Noor Airport confirmed that the management  has conducted a various of efforts such as sending a letter to National Land Agency of Banjarbaru  on June 5, 2017 number: AP.I.958 / LB.05 / 2017 /GM.BDJ regarding the Request for Confirmation / Remarks on Land Not Included in Additional Consignment and Consignment at Banjarbaru District Court.

Then because it has not received a response and the existence of claim from Iwan Sardjono who filed a summons the letter then sent back with the same subject volume 2 on July 26, 2017 with number: AP.I.1309 / LB.05 / 2017 / GM.BDJ .

Subsequently, the Land Office through letter number: 281 / 500-63.72 / VII / 2017 dated July 13, 2017 responded by justifying that based on the results of identification and verification there are four people whose land is not included in the list of  compensation (consignment) as well as additional consignment in the District Court of Banjarbaru.

"As for claims from the community on behalf of Iwan Sardjono we are still in the process of confirmation with the Land Office of Banjarbaru City and its existence in determining the location for land clearance for the development of Syamsudin Noor Airport." Handy said  

"The coordination meeting of the follow-up with the local government of Banjarbaru City and other related parties has also been done to respond to the citizens report." He added

According to General Manager, Syamsudin Noor Airport Management also responds directly to the Head Office of PT Angkasa Pura I in Jakarta "Against four residents and one citizen who conducted the summon have also been reported to the Head Office of PT Angkasa Pura I in Jakarta. In addition, PT Angkasa Pura I has also requested legal opinion from  South Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office on August 2, 2017. We hope this will be completed soon." (BDJ Communication)